In line with government guidelines, Amathus Dragon Boat Club are now running single paddler boat sessions. Although on a limited basis, it is a welcome return to water exercise for club members. A lot of planning has taken place to enable safe water sports training in coronavirus times to happen. This included discussions with the British Dragon Boat Association (BDA) and the Liverpool Watersports Centre (the home of Amathus). Having successfully implemented and fine tuned social distancing sessions, Amathus are now extending this service to newer paddlers. We will follow up with additional articles, once we can safely accommodate people new to the sport and the use of crew training.
What We Did to Make it Safe

Our first step was to examine BDA advice which in turn honours government guidelines. Having done so it was clear that we could work on a feasible plan for presentation to the operators of the water sports centre. The result was to run a small headcount session of 6 people, three of which are highly certified coaches.
The water sports centre provided exclusive use to Amathus to help with social distancing. Exclusive use has continued for all subsequent training sessions. Having developed a workable process for single boat sessions, sessions are now open to all club members on a rotating basis. BDA membership for all sessions is mandatory as this ensures all paddlers are insured.
What We Are Providing Next

Amathus are now extending their Water Sports Training in Coronavirus Times to less experienced and novice club members. The sessions for less experienced paddlers are run on a 1 coach to 1 paddler basis. The first session is on the 30th June 6 pm t the Liverpool Water Sports Centre. It is now fully booked, but please contact the head coach at Amathus for further sessions. At the time of writing it is unclear as to when any crew training can recommence. Once further information is available, Amathus will add a revised or new article.
Watersports Training in Coronavirus Times – FAQs
Training sessions for the more experienced paddler are currently held on Wednesday and Friday at 6 pm. For availability and booking please contact the head coach, Dave Bangs.
In the first instance speak with the head coach who will provide information on availability and session suitability.
A one way system is in operation at the centre. With the exception of the boat cage, the centre buildings (e.g. café, lecture room, changing rooms etc) are not open. There is a portoloo in the car park.
Free car parking is still available.
Amathus have a full written policy that provides further details on procedure on arrival, preparation to getting on the water, the water session and what to do getting off the water. For a copy, please contact the club. Please read the policy before attending.
Usual kit, paddle, change of clothes and boat shoes. Don’t forget your own water bottle.
For existing members the usual club membership or single session fees apply. Please ensure your BDA membership is paid as this is essential for insurance purposes. For new members or people trying out for the first time, please confirm details with our coaches.
Please contact the head coach or contact Amathus.
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